Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Game theoretic models - Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model

Sequential Move Game:

In this game, players instead of choosing their strategies simultaneously, choose them sequentially.

Example: Stackelberg model in a game theoretic set-up

Let the demand function be p = p (q) where 1469_Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model.png and let cost function be c = ci(qi), where i= A, B. We assume that firm A is the leader and B is the follower, in the sense that, firm A can predict or foresee the strategy of firm B perfectly. Thus, firm B moves first without knowing the strategy of firm A and given the strategy undertaken by firm B, firm A chooses the strategy to maximise her project. Therefore, from profit-maximising exercise of the firm B, we get,

2454_Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model1.png

Firm A incorporates the optimum strategy chosen by firm B i.e., 2413_Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model2.pnginto the production function and thus we have,

1053_Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model3.png

Solving the above equation, we get 2076_Stackelberg model in a game theoretic model4.png representing the Stackelberg equilibrium.

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