Type 3 Function Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Functions, Arguments and Overloading - Type 3 Function

Type 3

The third type of user defined function passes a few formal arguments to a calling portion of the program and the computed value if there is any, is transferred back to the caller. Data communication among the calling portion of a program and the function block both.


void main (void)


int output(int, int, char);      //function declaration

omt x, y, temp;


temp = output( x, y, ch);     // function calling


int output( int a, int b, char s)         //function definition


int value;


//body of the function

return (something);


Sample program:

// A program that find the factorial of a given number

// source file funct4.cpp

# include<iostream.h>

void main(void)


long int fact(int);

int x, n;

cout<<"enter any number"<< endl;


x = fact(n);

cout<<"value ="<<n << "and its factorial =";

cout << x << endl;


long int fact(int n)


int value = 1;

if (n = = 1)

return (value);



for(int i= 1; i<= n; i++)

value = value * i




output of the program

enter any integer number


value 5 and its factorial = 120

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