Return Statement Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Functions, Arguments and Overloading - Return Statement

Return Statement:

A keyword return is used to terminate function and return a value to its caller. The return statement might also be used to exit a function without returning a value.  The return statement might or might not involve an expression.

The common form of the return statement is.


return ( expression);

The return can appear anywhere inside the function body.  A function could also have more than one return while it is good programming style for a function to have a one entrance and one exit.



return (45);

return ( x + y);

return (++j);

return 0;

return i++

A return declaration ends the execution of the function and pass on the control back to the calling environment.


1.         int sum (int a, int b)


return(a+b); // return integer value.


float maximum (float a, float b)


if (a>b)

return a;


return b;

}// return floating point value.

Sample program:

// by using several return statements in a function

// source program name: funct2.cpp

# include<iostream.h>

void main (void)


float maximum( float, float, float);

float x,y,z,max;

cout<<" enter three numbers \n";

cin>> x >> y >> z;

max = maximum(x,y,z);

cout << "maximum " << max;


float maximum (float a, float b, float c)


if ( a>b)


if (a>c)

return (a);


return (c);




if ( b>c)

return ( b);


return ( c);


}// end of function

output of the program is

enter three numbers

4 5 6

maximum = 6


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