Local Variable Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Functions, Arguments and Overloading - Local Variable

Local variable

Variables that are declared inside a particular block or function are known as local variables.


void funct (int i, int j)


int k,n; //local variable

// body of the function


In the given example The integer variables k and n are defined inside a function block of the funct( ). All the variables to be used  inside  a  function block  have to  be  either  defined at  the starting of  the block itself or before using in a statement. A Local variables are referred just only the particular part of a block or a function. Similar variable name might be given to different parts of a function or a block and every variable will be treated as a various entity.


funct1 (float a, float b)


float x,y;

x = 23.00;

y = 10.9;


funct2 (int i, int j)


float x,y;

x = 56.00;

y = 1.90;


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