States of Plant Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Functions and Objectives of Maintenance - States of Plant

States of Plant With Reference to Maintenance Engineering Functions

Often people speak & take an account of the terms such like off time & on time or productive hours & non-productive hours based on the running of the plant. Whereas, with reference to the plant engineering & management and maintenance functions the plant is generally found in one or more of the following states:

  • Dead state. (With or without undergoing maintenance activity).
  • Under shutdown.
  • On Production. (With or without on line maintenance).
  • Under emergency maintenance state.
  • Production outage. (With or without undergoing maintenance activity).
  • Waiting for maintenance.


879_States of plant.png

  Figure: Model for Plant States (with Reference to Maintenance Objective and Function)

Dead State On Production State
Production Outage and Under Emergency Maintenance State Under Shut Down State
Waiting for Maintenance State
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