Nomenclature of Compounds with Functional Groups Assignment Help

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Nomenclature of Compounds with Functional Groups:

General rules

Several of the nomenclature rules for alkanes are hold true for molecules consisting of a functional group, but additional rules are required in order to describe the kind of functional group present and its position in the molecule. The major rules are as follows:

(i) The main or parent chain have to be include the functional group, and thus may not essentially be the longest chain;

639_Nomenclature of Compounds with Functional Groups.png

Figure: Identification of the main chain.

(ii) The existence of some functional groups is pointed out by replacing -ane for the parent or main alkane chain with the subsequent suffixes:

Functional group


functional group















carboxylic acid           

-anoic acid


Acid chloride

-anoyl chloride




Alcohols Aldehydes and ketones
Alkenes and alkynes Amides
Amines Aromatics
Carboxylic acids and acid chlorides Esters
Ethers and alkyl halides General rules
Primary- Secondary- Tertiary and Quaternary Nomenclature Thiols and thioethers
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