Workability Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Fresh Concrete - Workability


Workability is one of the important properties of fresh concrete, which is, directly or indirectly responsible for quality of concrete as a whole. Adequate workability on one hand improves the desirable properties of concrete such as, finishability, degree of compaction and strength, etc. while; instead it reduces the undesirable properties like segregation and bleeding of concrete. Workability is basically a composite property to define, as it is related with the ability of concrete to mix, place, transport, compact, and to get completed. In addition, the requirement of workability is different for different types of work, for example, concrete which is most workable for mass concrete may be non-workable for heavily reinforced member.

Workability of concrete, apparently has two main components namely, consistency and cohesiveness. The consistency is related with the ease of flow of concrete and cohesiveness describes the tendency of concrete not to bleed or segregate. Therefore, workable concrete should have sufficient consistency to provide ease of flow for smooth placement and effective compaction, and it should possess sufficient cohesiveness to avoid bleeding or segregation or harshness of concrete mix.

Definition of Workability Determine the workability of concrete
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