Strength of Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Fresh Concrete - Strength of Concrete

Strength of Concrete:

Strength of concrete is the ability to resist stress without fracture. The concrete may have tensile, flexural, shear and compressive strength. Out of all these strengths the 28 days' compressive strength of 150 mm concrete cubes, determined by the standard uniaxial compression test, is the universally accepted and referred to as strength of concrete. A compressive strength of concrete is the single significant property that almost reflects all the properties of hardened concrete both quantitatively as well qualitatively. Strengths of concrete can be quantitatively related with this strength. Also, most of the other properties of concrete can also be reasonably correlated with the compressive strength of concrete like, durability, permeability, shrinkage, creep, etc. In general, one can say that the compressive strength of concrete reflects the quality of concrete as a whole.

Age of Concrete Factors Influencing the Strength of Concrete
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