Analysis of Gaseous Pollutants Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Fluorimetry and Environmental Monitoring - Analysis of Gaseous Pollutants

Analysis of Gaseous Pollutants:

The analysis of gaseous pollutants is totally based on the phenomenon of chemiluminescence. We start with the determination of NO -   NO2 as atmospheric pollutants. The principle of like a determination is discussed here. The procedural details could be found in the laboratory manuals or from the manuals of pollution control agencies.

Determination of NO - NO2

In order to determine the amount of NO, the gas is passed by the reactor in which it reacts with ozone. Initially the excited NO* species is produced as per the reaction given below.

NO + O3   ↔ NO* + O2

The activated NO* then provides chemiluminescence broadband within the visible to infrared range (600 - 2800 nm) and reverts back to a lower energy state. The emitted photons are proportional to the amount of NO present and are measured along with the help of a photomultiplier tube (PMT).

68_Analysis of Gaseous Pollutants.png

The presence of other species, M contributes towards nonradiative deactivation. The intensity of the emitted radiation (I) is given through the following equation:

I = Constant × [NO] [O3] [M]-1

The luminescence intensity is found to be straight proportioned to the concentration of MO, O3 and is inversely related to the other species, M.

Analysis of microgram concentration of pollutants Chemiluminescence method
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