High-side Float Valve Assignment Help

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High-side Float Valve:

The high-side valve as the low-pressure float valve is a liquid level sensing apparatus and maintains a stable liquid level in the chamber in which it is fixed up. But it differs from the low-side float valve in the following manner.

(1) The high-side float valve and its chamber are situated at the high- pressure side of the system, when the low-side float valve is situated at the low-pressure side of the system.

(2) The seat and needle of the valve are at the outlet of the chamber since against the needle valve being at the inlet of the chamber in the low-side float.

(3) In the high-side float valve, the valve opens on a go up in the liquid level in the chamber, only the opposite action of the low-side float valve that closes on a go up in liquid level in the chamber.

The high-side float chamber is situated among the evaporator and condenser. In the condenser the liquid condensed flows down to the float chamber.

Since the liquid level rises up in the chamber, the float balls also get higher, so opening the needle valve. Since the liquid level falls in the chamber, the float valve tends to close up the seat orifice. This is apparent that refrigerant vapour is condensed in the condenser at the similar rate at which the liquid vaporizes in the evaporator; the float chamber attains and feeds liquid to the evaporator at the similar rate. As in the evaporator the rate of vaporization of the liquid is according to the load, the high-side float clearly works as per the load.

Generally this type of float valve is utilized in centrifugal-refrigeration plants. Refrigerant feed/throttling apparatus for flooded chillers are typically the low-side or high-side float valve. For instance, in centrifugal plants, the chiller is of the flooded type and commonly high-side float valves are utilized as throttling devices. In a flooded chiller working in conjunction along a reciprocating compressor, a low-side float valve is utilized like the refrigerant and throttling liquid flow control.

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