Moment of Resistance Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Flitched Beams - Moment of Resistance

Moment of Resistance:

Assume Mf be the moment of resistance of the flitched beam.

Consider Mw and Ms is the moments of resistance of wood & steel, respectively.

           M f   = M w  +  M s

=  ((1/6) b d 2 × σ w +   2 × ((1/6) t d 2 × σ s )

But σs = m σw, where m is the modular ratio.

            ∴   M f  =  (1/6) σ w bd 2  + 2 × (1/6) m σ w td 2

                          =  (1/6) σ w [b + m (2t )] d 2

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