Equivalent Section Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Flitched Beams - Equivalent Section

Equivalent Section:

In Section , we have seen that

                       Mf  =  (1/6) σ w [b + m (2t )] d 2

The moment of resistance of the flitched beam section is equivalent to that of a wooden beam of width [b + m (2t)] & a depth d. This rectangular cross-section of width [b + m (2t)] & depth d is called as the equivalent wooden beam section. Figure illustrated the flitched beam & the equivalent beam.

1653_Equivalent Section.png

                 Flitched Beam Section                             Equivalent Wooden Beam Section


The moment of resistance of the flitched beam might also be discovered from the equivalent wooden section.

The following instance illustrates the determination of moment of resistance of a flitched beam.

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