Function Decelator Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> First C++ Program - Function Decelator

Function Decelerator

The third line of the above program is

void main()

The C++ program consists of a group of functions. Each and every C++ program must have one function with name main, from here the execution of the program starts. The name main is a special word (not a reserved word) and must not be invoked anywhere through the user. The names of the functions (except main) are coined by the programmer. A pair of parentheses, that might or might not holds arguments, follows the function name.  In  that  case,  there  are  no  arguments,  but  hence  the  parenthesis  pair  is mandatory. Each function is supposed to return a value, but the function in this instance does not return any value. Few function names must be preceded through the reserved word void.

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