Types of Networks in Electrical Distribution System Assignment Help

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Types of Networks in Electrical Distribution System

Feeders are linked in a configuration that depends on the category of network required in the distribution system. Three kinds of network are generally available in the electrical distribution system:

  1. Radial;
  2. Loop; and
  3. Cross-loop network.

Because the radial feeder emanates from one point and ends at the other in the radial network, load transfer in the case of breakdown is not probable. While a radial feeder could be loaded to its maximum capacity, in that case of breakdown, quite a large area might remain in dark until the fault is detected and repaired.

214_Types of Networks in Electrical Distribution System.png

Figure: Alternative Layouts for Primary and Secondary Network, 33 and 11 kV

In loop arrangement, two feeders are linked to each other so in which the case of breakdown, the faulty section could be isolated and the rest of the portion could be switched on. In these categories of system, the feeder is generally loaded to 70% of its capacity so in which the event of breakdown it can share the load of other feeders also.

A cross-loop network gives multiple paths and the flexibility further increases. In case of breakdown in any line, the faulty system could be isolated and supply can be resumed extremely fast. In this type of network, feeders should normally be loaded to 70% of their current carrying capacity. This system is highly reliable, other than very expensive.

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