Bearing Shearing or Splitting at Edges of the Plate:
This failure occurs because of insufficient edge distance. This can be provided by giving a minimum edge distance 'e' from centre of any hole to the edge of a plate as given in Table 1 (IS 800: 1984) or 1.5 times the gross-diameter of the rivet, whichever is greater.
The resistance to failure is given by
Fe = (e-(d/2)).t σ at
where e is the edge distance to centre of rivets as shown in Figure 3(d).
Table: Edge Distance of Holes (As per IS 800 : 1984)

[Note: Where two or more parts are connected together, a line of rivets shall be provided at a distance of not more than 37 + 4t (in mm) from the nearest edge, where t is the thickness of the thinner outside plate.