Temperature Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Factors Affecting The Diffusion Current - Temperature


The change in temperature affects all values in the Ilkovic equation except the value of 'n'. The temperature coefficient of 'm' is about +0.27% per degree, while in which of't' is about - 0.22% per degree. Then the temperature coefficient m2/3 t1/6 is about +0.15% per degree. The temperature coefficient of the equivalent conductance and thereby the diffusion coefficient is close to +0.02 per degree and of C for aqueous solutions -0.00025 per degree. Further, the numerical constants 607 is also affected and the temperature coefficient of this constant K is +0.00012 per degree. Combining all these values gives the temperature coefficient of the diffusion current as +0.013 per degree. So the diffusion current increases about 1.3% per one degree rise in temperature. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the temperature constant within +_ 0.5o.

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