The Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm
The Fuzzy reasoning algorithm for the Adaptive Fuzzy Petri Nets is stated as detailed below as:
Step 1
Build the set of user input places PUI.
Step 2
Build the set of initially embedded transitions Tp.
Step 3
Determine the current enabled transitions
Step 4
Tf = {t ∈ Tp | for ∀pi ∈ t, α (pi) ≥ λi }
Determine all the current enabled transitions and compute innovative certainty factors that are generated via fired transitions.
Step 5
Make token transmission. Suppose p is one of the output places of the fired transition
- If | p | = 1 then add a token to p along with the certainty factor that is generated by its input transition;
- If | p | ≥ 1 and more than one of its input transitions fired, then decide the transition along with the maximum output weight, and add a token to p along with certainty factor produced via this transition.
Step 6
Suppose T = T - Tf , P = P - Tf .
Step 7
If Tf ≠ φ then repeats Steps 2 to 6 else go to Step 8.
Step 8