Several fractions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Experimental Set Up - Several fractions

Several fractions:

Several fractions are collected normally and their processing needs much time and effort. Instead, in modern liquid chromatography, reusable columns are used so that a number of individual separations can be carried out on a given column. Because the cost of an individual column could now be prorated over a huge number of samples, it is probable to use more expensive column packing. Precise sample injection is achieved easily and rapidly in modern liquid chromatography. A Solvent flow is achieved through means of high pressure pumps along with controlled flow rate which results in more reproducible operations and better and faster separations. A detection and quantitation are completed along with continuous detectors of various types which yield a continuous chromatogram without intervention by the operator.

Figure(a) shows an improved version of a liquid chromatographic set up while a more sophisticated set up is shown in Figure(b).

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Figure (a):  An improved version of liquid chromatographic set up

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Figure (b):  A more sophisticated liquid chromatographic set up

1.         Mobile phase reservoir 2. Slurring device 3. Lamp (Heating device) 4. Pump 5. Pressure monitoring device 6. Pump 7. Filter 8. Precolumn 9. Column 10. Pump 11.  Injection port 12. Column thermostat 13. Detector 14. Recorder

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