Built-In Exceptions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Exception Types - Built-In Exceptions

Built-In Exceptions:

Within given example you see how the automatic exceptions in Java work. This application creates a function and forces it to divide by zero. A method does not have to explicitly throw an exception since the division operator throws an exception when needed.

// a built-in exception.

import java.io.* ;

import java.lang.Exception ;

public class DivideBy0 {

public static void main( String[] args ) {

int a = 2 ;

int b = 3 ;

int c = 5 ;

int d = 0 ;

int e = 1 ;

int f = 3 ;



System.out.println( a+"/"+b+" = "+div( a, b ) ) ;

System.out.println( c+"/"+d+" = "+div( c, d ) ) ;

System.out.println( e+"/"+f+" = "+div( e, f ) ) ;


catch( Exception except )


System.out.println( "Caught exception " +

except.getMessage() ) ;



static int div( int a, int b ) {

return (a/b) ;



The output of given application is displays here:

2/3 = 0

Caught exception / by zero

The first call to div () works better. The second call fails since of the divide-by-zero error. Even by the application did not specify it, an exception was thrown-and caught. Then you could use arithmetic within your code without writing code which explicitly checks bounds.

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