Clinical and toxicological analysis Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Examples of Applications - Clinical and toxicological analysis

Clinical and toxicological analysis:

Toxicologists have recognised the usefulness of GC for the analysis of toxic substances. The analysis of lidocaine and diphenhydramine has been done using flame ionisation detection. A 15m x 0.25mm i.d. 5% methylsilicone (DB-5) column has been used, temperature programmed from 180°C to 230°C at 5°C min-1 and helium used as a carrier gas.

Forensic toxicology:

It is highly specialised branch of analytical chemistry concerned primarily with the analysis of specimen from different organs of the human body for toxic substances. A simple GC system utilising four columns and three liquid phases ( SE-30 , Hallcomid M-18, and Carbowax 6000), complemented by a direct solvent extraction scheme designed to detect common poisons, drugs, and human metabolites to a sensitivity limit of 2 µ g/ml in blood, urine and tissue  is developed.

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