lysosomes and peroxisomes Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Eukaryotic cell structure - lysosomes and peroxisomes

lysosomes and peroxisomes

The Golgi body   generates these single-membrane-bound organelles which contain enzymes (acid hydrolases in the lysosome, aminases, amidases, and lipases plus catalase in the peroxisomes) needed in the digestion of many different macromolecules. The internal pH of the lysosome is acidic (pH 3.5–5) to enable the enzymes to work at the optimum pH, and this pH is maintained by proton pumps present on the membrane. The breakdown of amino and fatty acids by the peroxisomes generates hydrogen peroxide, a potentially cytotoxic by-product. The enzyme catalase, also present in the peroxisome, degrades the peroxide into water and oxygen, protecting the cell.

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