It is that part of the cytoplasm not included within any of the sub cellular organelles, and it is a major site of cellular metabolism which contain a large number of different enzymes and other proteins. For instance, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the pentose phosphate pathway & fatty acid synthesis all occur in the cytosol. The cytosol is not a homogeneous 'soup' but has within it the cytoskeleton, through the cell a network of fibers criss-crossing that helps to maintain the shape of the cell. The cytoskeletal fibers which include microtubules (30 nm in diameter), intermediate fiaments (10 nm in diameter) and micro fiaments (8 nm in diameter). Also found within the cytosol of various cells are inclusion bodies (granules of material that are not membrane-bounded) like glycogen granules in liver and muscle cells, and droplets of triacylglycerol in the fat cells of adipose tissue.
Plant cell wall surrounding the plasma membrane of a plant cell is the cell wall, which imparts rigidity and strength to the cell. It is built primarily of cellulose, a rod-such as polysaccharide of repeating glucose units attached β (1-4). By hydrogen bonding into bundles of fibers, these cellulose molecules are aggregated together, and the fibers in turn are cross-linked together by other polysaccharides. In wood another type of compound, lignin, imparts added strength and rigidity to the cell wall. Lignin is a complicated water-insoluble phenolic polymer.