Manufacturing Lead Time (MLT)
Manufacturing lead-time is the total time needed to process a given part or product through the plant. MLT of the component/product is mathematically shown as below:
Equation 1

where Tsuji = Setup time for ith operation of jth component/product,
Qj = Quantity of product in the batch being processed,
Tcji = Operation cycle time for operation i, and
Tnoji = non-operational time associated with operation i.
The non-operation times involve temporary storage, handling, inspection and other causes of delay.
The above equation of MLT might be further simplified by supposing that all setup, non-operational and operational times are equal for all the machines (n0) processing the batch of products.
Equation 2
∴ MLT = n0 (Tsu + QTc + Tn0)
Equation 3
MLT for a job shop industry (Q = 1), MLT = n0 (Tsu + Tc + Tn0)
MLT for a flow line mass production industry:
Equation 4
MLT = n0 Tc (neglecting transportation times)