Gross Errors Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Errors and Obstacles in Chaining - Gross Errors

Gross Errors:

Gross errors or mistakes are blunders which occur because of inexperience or carelessness on the part of the surveyor. In chain surveying, these could be due to

  • Displacement or loss of pegs or arrows, provided to identify and fix the location of various types of stations and other places of interest,
  • Reading the chain or tape in a wrong manner or using an instrument in an incorrect way, and
  • Wrong recoding of measurements in the record book, e.g. field book.


There is no room for gross errors or blunders within the surveying processes. If gross errors are detected, a whole surveying process and measurements are needs to be repeated afresh, resulting within substantial loss of resources and time. Such errors could be prevented through proper training and testing of surveyors, adopting standard process, even to the minute details and carrying out the survey work along with utmost care.

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