Convert the following reduced bearings:
Convert the following reduced bearings to whole circle bearings
(a) N 68o 32′ E (b) S 37o16′ E (c) S 54o32′ W (d) N 39o52′ W.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure: WCB from RB
(a) RB = N 68o 32′ E
First Quadrant WCB = RB
= 68o 32′
(b) RB = S 37o 16′ E Second Quadrant
WCB = 180o - RB
= 180o - 37o16′
= 142o 44′
(c) RB = S 54o 32′ W Third Quadrant
WCB = 180o + RB
= 180o + 54o 32′
= 234o 32′
(d) RB = N 39o 52′ W Fourth Quadrant
WCB = 360o - 39o 52′
= 320o 08′