Circle bearings to reduced bearings Assignment Help

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Circle bearings to reduced bearings:

Convert the subsequent whole circle bearings to reduced bearings

(a) 42o 58′ (b)       156o 12′ (c)      219o 47′ (d)     327o 34′

2480_Circle bearings to reduced bearings.png

(a)                                                                    (b)

406_Circle bearings to reduced bearings1.png

(c)                                                                    (d)

 Figure: RB from WCB


The conversion can be conveniently achieved with the help of sketches as shown below :

(a)        WCB = 42o 58′

The survey line lies in 1st quadrant

Hence RB = WCB, i.e. RB = N 42o 58′ E

(b)       WCB = 156o 12′

In second quadrant RB = 180o - WCB

= 180o - 156o 12′ = S 33o 48′ E

(c)        WCB = 219o 47′ In third quadrant RB = WCB - 180o

= 219o 47′ - 180o = S 39o 47′ W

(d)       WCB = 327o 34′

In fourth quadrant

RB = 360o - WCB

= 360o - 327o34′ = N 32o 26′ W

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