Factors Involved in Successful Implementation Assignment Help

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Factors Involved in Successful Implementation:

Setting the Priorities Right

The obligation of ERP project must be well established. It should start with a well judged feasibility report. Many consultants often jump into conclusion without accurately going into the feasibility study. There is a great excitement regarding ERP throughout the world. In this situation, this is easy to get caught into the euphoria and enthusiasm and rely too much because several world's major companies are using it. Though, blind copy of trend can lead the organisation into an unpleasant situation.

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) means redesigning a company's procedure to enhance efficiency, improve quality and reduce costs.

The re-engineering of the business should be continuous instead of a single re-engineering process. Business process re-engineering (BPR) is closely related with the implementation of ERP.


On many occasions, trimming the workforce is essential. By reducing head count, one can streamline organisation and make systems more efficient.

Workforce reduction and intensive training to the remaining employees must go hand-in-hand. Automation, at a later stage, would compensate the losses because of reduction.

Organisational Transformation

Organisational change is frequently a pre-requisite for the transformation. A very good knowledge of software, organisation and business needs is essential to predict future organisation at the post implementation stage. This would also drop resistance to change.

Integration and Standardisation in Enterprise Operation
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