Column thermostat Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Equipment - Column thermostat

Column thermostat:

It is important to control the column temperature in liquid chromatography. The temperature variations within the column should be maintained within ± 0.2 0C. The larger changes in column temperature can result in significant variations in retention time.


In liquid chromatography, the ideal detector should have high sensitivity, good precision and predictable response to all solutes. It should be unaffected by changes in temperature and carrier flow. That should not contribute to additional column band broadening. It has to be nondestructive of the solute. Two types of detectors are in use in liquid chromatography, a bulk property or general detectors and solute property or selective detectors. The Bulk property detectors measure modifies in some overall physical property of the mobile phase plus that of the solute. The solute property detectors are sensitive only to the solute.

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