Algebraic Method Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Epicyclic Gear Train - Algebraic Method

Algebraic Method:

This method is depending on the relative motion among the two associated members. Angular velocity of gear S = angular velocity of S relative to arm a + angular velocity of a.

That is

ωs = ωsa + ωa


N s  = N sa   + N a                                  . . . (10.5)

here, N s , N sa , and Na are speeds of respective members in rpm.

From equations (10.5)

N sa= N s  - N a                                                                          . . . (10.6)


N pa = Na  - N p                                                 . . . (10.7)

From equations (10.6) & (10.7)

1161_Algebraic Method.png                . . . (10.8)


78_Algebraic Method1.png


307_Algebraic Method2.png                  . . . (10.9)

In equation (10.9), left hand side is the train value. Substituting known quantities, unknown quantity can be estimated.

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