Water Quality Analysis Assignment Help

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Water Quality Analysis:

The most of the earth water sources get their supplies from precipitation, which at the time of formation contains pure water. During its fall through atmosphere of the earth in various forms such as rain and snow etc., it dissolves various gases, traces of minerals and other substances. After its contact with the surface of earth, it picks-up or dissolves various physical, chemical and micro-organic impurities. As water seeps into ground water reservoir, most of the suspended impurities are filtered out, but on the other hand it dissolves minerals and salts present in various layers of earth through which it travels before meeting the water table.

The impurities which water dissolves or carries might make water more useful and potable or make it unfit and harmful for drinking purpose depending on the contents it carries. Therefore, before planning for degree and type of treatment for raw water, an engineer should have the knowledge of nature and magnitude of impurities present in raw water and their permissible limits for wholesome water.

Here, we shall discuss the various types of substances present in water, water borne diseases, collection of water sample and drinking water quality as per Indian standards.


After studying this unit, you should be able to

  • discuss the physical characteristics of water,
  • describe various chemical substances present in water,
  • list and describe various microorganisms present in water and their affect on human body,
  • be aware of drinking water standards prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards, and
  • know the various methods of sampling of water for water quality testing.


Chemical Characteristics of Water Drinking Water Standards
Handling and Collection of Water Samples Microbiological Water Quality Determination
Microbiology of Water Physical Characteristics of Water
Water Borne Diseases
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