Narrowing ERP Alternatives Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Enterprise Resource Planning - Narrowing ERP Alternatives

Narrowing ERP Alternatives:

During selection of ERP, this is generally not very difficult to narrow down the choices to three or four options. Furthermore, narrowing of choice to one single vendor is extremely difficult. This is because of following reasons:

a. ERP selection, being a multi-criteria decision making problem is complicated to handle.

b. Subjectivity in deciding the relative merit of each of the alternative ERP solution.

c. Divergent criteria, on whose basis the decision is taken.

d. Difference in opinion by different team members.

e. Conflicting nature of few criteria for the selection of ERP.

f.  Inter-dependence of few criteria.

g. Personal biasness of the consultant/team members.

h. Lack of quantitative estimate regarding the performance of ERP solution on a real time situation.

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