ERP Implementation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP Implementation

ERP Implementation:

Generally the implementation of ERP is done in close association with the vendor, who supplies the package. Several organisations go for hiring professionals/consultants to facilitate the implementation process. Within the organisation, there is a need to form an ERP-team. This team comprises of people along with high caliber & motivation. They are from distinct streams. Process engineer, HRD personnel, industrial engineer, financial executive and work-manager are sure to determine a place in this team. The role of the top management is extremely crucial, as the commitment and required flow of finance are the two major ingredients without which any effort whatsoever is futile.

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Figure: Methodology for ERP Implementation

A general methodology for the implementation of ERP is presented in Figure as a flow chart. The recognition of the need for ERP should be developed through a feasibility-report. In this report, the current enterprise should also be evaluated along with much required future capabilities. After that comes the stage of selection and evaluation of ERP. If the ERP solution is satisfactory, then the strategy for business procedure re-engineering (BPR) is decided.

Factors Involved in Successful Implementation Reasons for ERP Implementation Failure
USA Principles for the Implementation Useful Guidelines for ERP Implementation
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