Using Command Line Arguments Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Elements of Java - Using Command Line Arguments

Using Command Line Arguments

Many times you will need to pass information into a program whenever you run it. This is accomplished through passing command line arguments to main ( ). The command-line argument is the information which directly follows the program's name on the command line whenever it is executed. For access the command-line arguments within Java program is quite simple, they are stored as strings in the string array passed to main ( ). For instance, the following program shows all of the command line arguments in which it is called with:

/ / Display all command-line arguments.

class CommandLine  {

public static void main (String args [ ] ) {

for (int i=o; i<args.length; i + +)

System.out.println("args[" + i  +" ]:" +

args [I]) ;



By executing this program, as display here java Command Line this is a test 100 -1

Whenever you do, you will see the given output.

args[0] : this

args[1] : is

args[2] : a

args [3] : test

args[4] : 100

args [5] : -1

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