Arithmetic Operators Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Elements of Java - Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expression the similar way in which they are used in algebra. The subsequent table lists the arithmetic operators:

1665_arithmetic operators.png

The operands of arithmetic operators must be of a numeric type. You cannot utilize them on boolean types but you could use them on char types, because the char type in

Java is an essentially, a subset of int.

// Show the basic arithmetic operators.

class basicMath {

public static void main (String args [ ] ) {

/ / arithmetic using integers

System.out.print1n ("Integer Arithmetic")

 int a = 1 + 1;

int b = a * 3;

int c = b / 4;

int d = c - a;

int e = -d ;

System.out.println ( "a= " +a);

System.out.println ("b =" + b);

System.out.println ("c="     + c);

System.out.println ("d ="  + d);

System.out.println (" e ="  + e);

// arithmetic using doubles

System. out. println ("\no Floating Point Arithmetic");

double da = 1 + 1;

double db = da * 3;

double dc = db / 4;

double dd = dc - a;

double de = - dd;

System.out.println ("da=" +da);

System.out.println ("db=" +db);

System.out.println ("dc=" +dc);

System.out.println ("dd=" + dd);

System.out.println ("de =" +de);

Whenever you run this program, you will see the given output. Integer Arithmetic

a= 2

b= 6


d = -1

e = 1

Floating point Arithmetic

da = 2

db = 6

dc = 1.5

dd = -0.5

de = 0.5

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