Properties of Matter Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Element of survey - Properties of Matter

Properties of Matter:

Here you will study an important property of solids called elasticity. Elasticity of solids and related parameters are of vital importance for the construction of buildings, machines, bridges etc. For example, elastic properties of steel help us determine the size and shape of a steel beam needed to safely support a given load.


After studying this unit, you should be able to

  • use a concept of surface tension to explain various day-to-day observations,
  • denote the hydrostatic pressure at a point inside a liquid,
  • state and elaborates the Pascal's law and the Archimedes Principle,
  • derive an equation of continuity and Bernoulli's equation for fluids and discuss their applications,
  • know the concept of viscosity and explain the associated terms like critical velocity and Reynolds's number,
  • describe elasticity and other parameters related to it,
  • state the Hooke's law, and
  • describe the Young's modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity and Poisson's ratio.


Elasticity Fluid Statics
Fluids in Motion Stress and Strain
Surface Tension
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