Slab Electrophoresis Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Electrophoresis - Slab Electrophoresis

Slab Electrophoresis:

In slab electrophoresis, separations are carried out on a thin flat layer (slab) of porous semi-solid gel holding an aqueous buffer. In common, slab has dimensions of a few centimeters on a side and is capable of separating more than one sample at the same time. Samples, as small as few µL, are introduced as bands or spots on the slab and at last the separated species are detected through staining. Classical examples are DNA gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional SDS- PAGE gel electrophoresis, etc. You will now learn about their principle, operational aspects and applications.

DNA Gel Electrophoresis SDS-PAGE Gel Electrohpresis
Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE Gel Electrophoresis
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