Deactivating groups Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Electrophilic Substitutions of Mono-Substituted Aromatic Rings - Deactivating groups

Deactivating groups - inductive m directing:

The alkyl  groups  are  activating  groups  and they are direct  substitution  to  the  ortho,  para positions. Electron withdrawing substituents as shown in the figure have the opposite effect. They deactivate the ring; form the ring less nucleophilic and less similarly to react with an electrophile. The electron-withdrawing effect as well destabilizes the reaction intermediate and creates the reaction harder. This destabilization is much more  pronounced  in  the  intermediates  taking place  from  ortho/para  attack  and  thus meta attack is favored.

2193_Deactivating groups.png

Figure:   Examples of electron-withdrawing groups.

All of these groups comprise a positively charged atom or an electron deficient atom (that is an electrophilic center) straight attached to the aromatic ring. Because this atom is electron deficient, it encompasses an electron-withdrawing effect on the ring.

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