Calculate potential of the cathode Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Electrogravimetry and Coulometry - Calculate potential of the cathode

Calculate potential of the cathode:


A solution is 0.05 M in BiO+ and 0.0l M in Co2+ and has a pH of 2.50

a) What is the potential of the cathode when the concentration of the more easily reduced species is l.00 × l0-6 M

b) What is the concentration of the more readily reduced cation when the less reduced cation begins to deposit.


BiO+   + 2H+   + 3e  ? Bi(s ) + H2O   Eo   =  + 0.320 V

Co2+ + 2e ?  Co(s)   Eo   = - 0.277 V

Considering the two cations,  BiO+ will deposit first.

Ecathode   =  Eo - 0.0592/3 log 1/[BiO]+

=   + 0.320 - 0.0592/3 log l/l × l0-6

=  + 0.320 -  0.118   =   0.202 V

Potential of cathode to reduce the concentration of [BiO]+ to l × l0-6 M

= + 0.202 V

Ecathode   to deposit Co2+

E=  Eo  -  0.0592/2 log 1/Co2+

= - 0.277 - 0.0592/2 log 1/0.0l

=   - 0.277 - 0.0592   =   - 0.336 V

- 0.336 =   + 0.320 - 0.0592/3 log 1/X

- 0.656   =   - 0.0592/3 log 1/X

- 0.656/0.0l97 =   log 1/X

X = 5 × l0-34 M

Concentration of bismuth when Co2+   begins to deposit is 5 × l0-34 M.

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