Substation Equipment and Distribution Lines
In the previously, you have studied about the power distribution system and its elements. You have also learnt about distribution system planning and the general O & M objectives and practices. You will agree in which the smooth operation of the power distribution system depends on how well it is managed. This involves the operation and maintenance of all its components.
We start this with a discussion of the substation equipment and distribution lines so that you know the standards prescribed for the equipment. Adhering to these standards would ensure the smooth operation of the equipment. We next discuss the operation and manages of equipment used in the 66-33/11 kV substations, 11/0.4 kV substations, overhead lines, underground cables and capacitors. At last, we take up hot line maintenance tools and techniques and the impact of LT/HT ratio on losses. Further, we deal with the O & M of distribution transformers separately.