Education and Development Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Eight Pillars of TPM - Education and Development

Education and Development


  • To disseminate maintenance and engineering know how.
  • To eliminate equipment failure, product defects and accidents resulted due to ignorance and lack of skill.
  • To train each and every maintenance personnel in their respective jobs.
  • To develop multi-skill workforce.


How to Achieve

These can be achieved through following:

  • Identifying training requirements for each individual in various skills.
  • Arranging skill enhancement training programmes.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of training schemes.
  • Apprising the maintenance personnel of the various reasons for failure and breakdowns, defects in products, low quality of products and reasons for accidents.
  • Engineering and maintenance people handle training, emphasizing practical knowledge about real machine past failures.
  • The relationship between failures and improper operating procedures and poor maintenance is stressed.


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