Load Acting Eccentric to One Axis Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Eccentrically Loaded Sections - Load Acting Eccentric to One Axis

Load Acting Eccentric to One Axis:

The bending couple P × e will cause longitudinal tensile & compressive stresses. The fibre stress because of bending f0, at any distance 'y' through the neutral axis is given by,

fb  = ( M/ I xx) × y = (P × e × y )/ I xx  (tensile or compressive)    ------ (1)

Therefore, the total stress at any section is given by following

f  =  f0 ±  f   = (P/A) ± ((P × e × y )/ I xx)  --------- (2)

f  = (P/A) ±  (M/ Z xx) [where P × e = M and   I xx /y = Z xx  (the section modulus)].

The extreme fibre stresses are given by following,

f max      =  f0 +  f b  = P /A +  (M/ Z xx)

f min      =  f0 - f b  = P /A -  (M/ Z xx)  ----------- (3)

If f0 is greater than fb, the stress during the section shall be of the similar sign. If though, f0 is less than fb, the stress shall change sign, being partly tensile & partly compressive across the section. Therefore, there might be three possible stress distributions as illustrated in Figures (a), (b) & (c). You might observe from Figure (c), that while

f0 = fb, fmax = 2f0 and fmin = 0.

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