Simple dummy variable model:
Let us now consider the following model as an example of the ANCOVA model

Model is similar to except that it contains a quantitative variable (years of teaching) in addition to the qualitative variable (gender of the teacher) which has two categories namely, male and female. Thus the model has two explanatory variables one qualitative and one quantitative.
What does model meanlimply? Assuming, as usual, E(ui) = 0, we see that the mean salary of a female school teacher is

and the mean salary of male school teacher is

From the model (10.5) we see that the male and female school teachers' salary function in relation to the years of experience have the same slope (y) but different intercepts. In other words, in the model, it is assumed that the level of mean salary of male school teacher is different from that of his'female counterpart but the rate of change in the mean salary by years of experience (represented by the slope term y) is same for both male and female school teachers. Geometrically we can represent models 6 as shown in Fig. (in the figure a is assumed to be greater than zero, i.e., a > 0).

Just as in regression here also one can use the t-test to test for the hypothesis that male and female school teachers have the same mean annual salary.