Stresses Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Doubly Curved Shells - Stresses


Let a thin walled vessel with two principal radii of curvature r1 and r2. Let the thickness of the shell be t and assume it be subjected to an internal pressure of p. The stresses in the two principal directions are f1 and f2 working tangential to the middle surface at any specific point as illustrated in Figure




To evaluate the stresses, let the equilibrium of the element illustrated in Figure . Here, f1 is the circumferential stress & f2 is the meridional stress. And r1 is the radius of curvature of the circumferential arc & r2 the radius of curvature of the meriodional arc.



For the element, assume

1 = angle subtended through the circumferential arc at the centre of curvature O1.

2 = angle subtended through the meridional arc at the centre of curvature O2.

ds1 = length of the circumferential elemental arc.

ds2 = length of the meridional elemental arc.

The forces working on the surfaces are as shown in Figure. The force f1 ds2 t is working in the circumferential direction and f2 ds1 t is working in the meridional direction.

The radial force because of the internal pressure on the wall of the element is p ds1 ds2. Resolving all of the forces on the elemental part along the normal,

f1 ds2 t d θ1 + f2 ds1 t d θ2  = p ds1 ds2

As        d θ1 =  ds 1 / r1         and            d θ2 =  ds 2 / r2

f 1ds2  t ds1  / r1 + f 2 ds1 t ds2 / r2= p ds1 ds2

Therefore, we get    f1  / r1 +   f2 / r2 =p/ t

The expression gives the general relationship among the circumferential stresses and the meridional stresses along the internal pressure.

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