DNA polymerases Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> DNA Replication in Bacteria - DNA polymerases

DNA polymerases:

DNA polymerase I from E. coli catalyzes the stepwise addition of deoxyribonucleotides to the 3'-OH end of a DNA chain:

(DNA)n  residues     dNTP → (DNA)n +   1     PPi

The enzyme has the following needs that are as follows:

-   All four dNTPs (dATP, dGTP, dTTP and dCTP) must be present to be used as precursors; Mg2     is also needed;

-   a DNA pattern is essential, to be copied through the DNA polymerase;

-   a primer with a free 3'-OH in which the enzyme can extend.

DNA polymerase I is a sample-directed enzyme, which is it recognizes the next   nucleotide   on   the   DNA   sample   and   then   adds a complementary nucleotide to the 3'-OH of the primer, establishing a 3'5' phosphodiester bond and releasing pyrophosphate. The reaction is described in figure. It includes nucleophilic attack of the 3'-OH of  the  primer  on  the  α-phosphate set of the incoming nucleotide. Primer is extended in a 5' → 3' that direction.

DNA polymerase I also corrects errors in DNA through erasing mismatched nucleotides example for it has proof-reading activity.  Therefore, during  polymerization,  if the  nucleotide  in which  has  just  been  incorporated  is incorrect mismatched,  it is erased  using the 3' → 5' exonuclease  activity.  that provides very high fidelity; a mistake rate of less than 10-8   per base pair.  DNA polymerase also has a 5' → 3'exonuclease activity; it can hydrolyze nucleic acid beginning from the 5' end of a chain. This activity plays a key role in erasing the RNA primer used during replication.  Therefore,  whole,  DNA  polymerase  I  has  three  various active sites on its single polypeptide  chain; 3' → 5'  exonuclease  5' → 3' polymerase and 5' → 3'   exonuclease.  As well as its role in DNA  replication,  DNA polymerase  I is included  in  DNA  repair,  for  instance  erasing  UV-induced alterations like as pyrimidine dimers.

E. coli also contains two other DNA polymerase II, DNA polymerases III and DNA polymerase.  As  with  DNA  polymerase  I  that  enzymes  also  catalyze  the template-directed synthesis of DNA from deoxynucleotidyl 5'-triphosphates,  require a primer with a free 3'-OH group, synthesize  DNA in the 5' → 3' pathway  and have 3' → 5' exonuclease activity. And enzyme has 5' → 3' exonuclease activity.

1094_DNA polymerases.png

figure: DNA synthesis. In this schematic diagram, the incoming dTTP hydrogen bonds with the adenine on the template DNA strand and a 3 5 phosphodiester bond is formed, releasing pyrophosphate.

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