Advantages of Division of Labour Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Division of Labour - Advantages of Division of Labour

Advantages of Division of Labour:

Division of labour has advantages including the following:

(i) Development of Greater Skill by the Worker

In division of labour, each worker specializes in doing only one task. By repeating the same task again and again the worker develops greater skill in it and becomes a specialist in the task.

(ii) Increase in Productivity

Division of labour leads to increased productivity of the worker. By developing a greater skill and becoming a specialist in what the worker does increases the productivity of the worker and production as a whole.

(iii)Saving of Time

The time that would have been wasted by each worker moving around to change tasks and tools is saved when division of labour is practiced.

(iv)Increased use of Machines and Equipment

In division of labour, because the production process is broken up into smaller units of tasks and each worker routinely performs one task, machines or equipment may be used to perform the task.It is easier to develop machines and equipment to perform only a single and simple task than several and complex tasks than several and complex tasks.

(v)Mass Production at decreasing cost

Division of labour has led to massive production arising from increased productivity. This brings down the unit cost and cheaper selling price.

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