The Method of Moment Generating Functions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Distributions Of Functions Of Random - The Method of Moment Generating Functions

The Method of Moment Generating Functions (Approach 3)

One of the easiest method of establish that the distribution of a function Y of random variables x has a known distribution, is to find to mgf of Y and show that it has the same form as the mgf of the known distribution. Obviously, the method is applicable to cases where the mgf exists and the distribution of 'Y is one of the standard probability distribution whose mgf is known. The method is particular useful to find the distribution of the sum of independently distributed random variables.


           2193_The Method of Moment Generating Functions.png

Where XI, X2, ..., Xn, are independently distributed variables.

Let the mgf of Xi be .Mi( t ), i = 1,2, ..., n.

The mfg of Y is

My (t) = E(etY)= E 1517_The Method of Moment Generating Functions 1.png

 843_The Method of Moment Generating Functions 2.png  E (etXi),since Xi s are independent


My(t)=168_The Method of Moment Generating Functions 3.png

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