Resin Bed Malfunctions:
The resin beds of ion exchangers are susceptible to malfunction from a number of causes. These causes involve channeling, breakthrough, exhaustion, and overheating.
Channeling is a condition in that the resin permits a direct flow of water by the ion exchanger. Flow channels are built from the inlet to the outlet of the ion exchanger, which permits water to flow essentially unrestricted through the resin through these paths. The water flowing through the resin bed has not sufficient contact along with the resin beads and results in a decrease in effectiveness of the ion exchanger if channeling occurs.
Channeling most frequently results from improper filling of the ion exchanger along with resin. If insufficient water is mixed along with the resin while it is added, the resin column might hold pockets, or voids. These voids might then set up flow paths for channeling to occur. Inappropriate design or malfunction of the water inlet linked (flow diffuser) could also lead to channeling.