Regression approach:
Standard economic theory tells us that each individual will chcose the alternative that maximizes her utility. Let U' be the utility from workingtseeking work and U0 be the utility from not working. Then, the individual will choose to be a part of the labor force if her utility from working is greater than he. utility from not working. In other words,
A set of factors, such as age, marital status, gender, education, and work history, gathered in a vector x explain the decision', so that
Prob(event j occurs) = Prob(Yi = j) = G [relevant effects, parameters]
In our case we have the number of alternatives indexed by j = 0, 1; and the number of individuals (or obse~ations) indexed by i = 1,2,3,. . . ..N. Therefore, the probability that the th individual chooses alternative 1 is given by,

The probability that the th individual chooses alternative 0 is given by .

P1 is commonly called the response probability and 1 -Pi is called the non-response probability. We also have

The vector of parameters measures the impact of changes in x on the probability of labor forc,. participation given the individual's characteristics. For example, we may be interestea in the marginal effects of marital status or gender on the probability of labor force participation. The problem at this point is to choose an appropriate model for the right-hand side of the equation, i.e., to choose the appropriate form of G(xiβ).