Latent regression approach:
Qualitative choice situations may also be analyzed using latent regression models. The outcome of a discrete choice can be thought of as the result of an underlying regression. Let us look at our earlier example of labor force participation. Let the propensity to enter the labor force be an unobserved variable Yi* = xiβ + εi. Here, xiβ is called the index function. Yi* is not observed, but we do observe the individual's decision to be a part of the labor force or not. That is, we observe (Yi,xi), with

Where, c is some positive constant and provides a floor for the propensity variable. By making suitable assumptions about εi we can calculate the probability of labor force participation given xi, and the expectation of Yi.

We can predict how the probability that Yi = 1 will change as xi changes. As we shall discuss later this is no longer equal to β. Notice that the binary nature of thc left hand side, dependent variable in this model leads us to the result in this in turn implies that the impact of changes in xi on the mean of Y, can also be deduced from the above calculations.