Estimation and Inference Assignment Help

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Estimation and Inference:

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Probit and Logit Models:

Both  the  prbbit and the  logit models are  non-linear models. Estimation of these models is usually based  on  the method  of maximum  likelihood. Each  observation may be  treated as a  single draw  from a Bernoulli  distribution, with  probability of success, (Y=1), equal to F(xiβ) and probability of failure, (Y=O), equal to [1 -F(xiβ)]. Under the standard sampling assumptions the observations are independent and we have the likelihood function,  

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where X =  [x1, X2, x3, xn]  is the matrix of data on the independent variables.

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Taking the derivative with  respect  to βk,  the elements of β, we have the first order conditions  as

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Here F, = F(xiβ), and$  is  the probability density function given  by  (dFi/d  (xiβ)). These  equations  are  highly  non-linear  and  solving  them  requires numerical optimization using iterative techniques such as the Newton-Raphson  procedure. In the case of the probit model this is further complicated by the fact that the likelihood function has no closed form solution (is in  the form of a definite integral) and must be  evaluated numerically.  In  contrast the  logit  model  is computationally more tractable.

Substituting  in  (12.25) we have

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Notice that  the structure of  this equation is  very  similar  to  the  normal  equation n obtained for the classical linear model. There we  had 1921_Estimation and Inference4.pngand here we  have 1396_Estimation and Inference5.png.  In  that context we may  interpret the  term  in  square r=l brackets as a residual of sorts.

The second, order conditions for a maximum will always hold  in  the case of the logit and  probit models as the probability density functions of both  the normal  and  the logistic distributions are globally concave.

Hypothesis Testing and Goodness of Fit Interpretation of coefficient
Marginal Effects in the Logit Model
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